At James Cambell Primary School we are proud of our school uniform
Our School Uniform | PE Kit | Swimming |
Dark green jumper/cardigan Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore Yellow polo shirt Black school shoes/black trainers (no shoe laces in EYFS) Grey/ white socks or grey tights Green Blazer (Optional for Yr 5 & 6, not compulsory) Tie (Optional for Yr 5 & 6, not compulsory) | Black shorts White t-shirt (no buttons) Black plimsolls Swimming costume/shorts Towel Swimming hat Hair needs to be tied back for PE Plain sweatshirt white sweatshirt and jogging bottoms ( for outdoor winter PE) | Swimming is a compulsory part of the national curriculum. Children are required to attend swimming lessons unless there is a medical reason why they cannot take part. We must have evidence of the medical condition from your doctor. |
- Please ensure children have black everyday school shoes and plimsolls or pumps for PE/Sports.
- Small stud earrings (no hoops) are allowed, however, no other jewellery is permitted unless for religious reasons.
- NO jewellery in Nursery or Reception at all.
- No dyed hair, or patterns/lines cut into hair.
- Pupils are not permitted to wear make up.
- Pupils are not permitted to wear false nails.
Our uniform with the logo on can be purchased from Castle Green Uniform shop which is located at Castle Green, Gale Street (map below).

Castle Green Uniform Shop
Gale Street
Tel: 020 8270 4684
https://castle-green.org.uk/ product-category/james- cambell-primary-school/
There is no requirement for parents to use the Castle Green uniform shop. Uniform without the school logo purchased from other shops is acceptable so long as it is the correct colour.
We understand that some families may find it difficult to afford uniform and the school has second-hand uniform available to those who need it.
We are always grateful for donations of school uniform in good condition when your child no longer needs it.